Cardiff Kook at the start of Covid-19

Blogging /Writing / Thinking

Derrick Oien


In March I found myself in a strange place with my company. My habit over the last many years has been to wake up each day and pour over my various statistics of the business. This has been how I start my day for as long as I can remember.

With the Covid-19 crisis, those stats became pretty meaningless. Sports stopped entirely. There really is no insight to be gained. For the first few weeks it was just watching a quick decline and then hitting the floor. It was a harsh break in my routine.

I wanted to create some new daily habits to replace my previous routine. I came up with a few including writing a daily blog on a new website I set up called Where Are Sports. On the blog I wanted to document the return of sports over whatever time made sense. I also wanted to create some kind of daily practice to replace my stats routine. So far so good. I have been going at it for 71 posts which are almost entirely daily with exceptions the last several weekends. The content is not very substantive and over the last few weeks I have been thinking that I should keep that up but also try to write something more chunky. Hence this post.

I found a topical framework to use as a writing prompt and hope to do this in tandem over the next some period of time until it takes on a life of it’s own or I do what normally happens with blogging and get distracted by the world and life etc. Wish me luck.



Derrick Oien

Entrepreneur with experience in technology, media and wireless. Currently CEO of ScoreStream.